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For this site users, Thank you for supporting us for more than five years, its unfortunate to say that our mediafire account is deleted. Randmate Will Bounce Back within a week time! Thanks for the current and regular site users.

October 17, 2012

The J2EE Tutorial - Addison Wesley Pdf

Now there’s a new platform—and a new tutorial—in town. The success of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™) has been phenomenal. Developers are clamoring for information about how to write applications using this new Java platform for the server. And this book helps, continuing the tradition of The Java™ Tutorial, but this time for the J2EE platform. Like the original Tutorial,
this is an example-filled, easy-to-use entry point and quick reference for programming with the J2EE platform. And I’m sure, like the original tutorial team, Stephanie, Dale, Eric, Kim, and Beth all have stories to tell about the time they’ve spent working on the J2EE platform and bringing you this book. Just a note—Because the J2EE platform sits on top of the J2SE platform, you need to be comfortable writing programs for the J2SE platform before you can make full use of this book. If you’re not comfortable with the J2SE platform, go toThe Java™ Tutorial 4 and learn!


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