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For this site users, Thank you for supporting us for more than five years, its unfortunate to say that our mediafire account is deleted. Randmate Will Bounce Back within a week time! Thanks for the current and regular site users.

December 14, 2011


If you have bought or are considering buying this book, you probably fit one of the following categories:
  1. You know how valuable A+ Certification is to a professional personal computer (PC) technician's career and advancement. 
  2. You're wondering just what A+ Certification is all about. 
  3. You think that reading this book may be a fun, entertaining way to learn about computer hardware maintenance and repair.
  4. You love all… For Dummies books and wait impatiently for each new one to come out.
  5. You're a big fan of mine and can't wait to read all of my new books.

Well, if you fit any of the first four scenarios, this is the book for you! However, I'm not certified in the
appropriate medical areas to help you if you are in the last category, If you're already aware of the A+ Certified Computer Technician program and are just looking for an excellent study aid, you can skip the next few sections of this introduction because your search is over. However, if you don't have the foggiest idea of what A+ Certification is, how it can benefit you, or how to prepare for it, read on!


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