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For this site users, Thank you for supporting us for more than five years, its unfortunate to say that our mediafire account is deleted. Randmate Will Bounce Back within a week time! Thanks for the current and regular site users.

April 20, 2012


The book uses Java — an exciting, relatively new computer programming language. But Java’s subtleties and eccentricities aren’t the book’s main focus. Instead, this book emphasizes a process — the process of creating instructions for a computer to follow. Many highfalutin’ books describe the mechanics of this process — the rules, the conventions, and the formalisms. But those other books aren’t written for real people.
Those books don’t take you from where you are to where you want to be. In this book, I assume very little about your experience with computers. As you read each section, you get to see inside my head. You see the problems that I face, the things that I think, and the solutions that I find. Some problems are
the kind that I remember facing when I was a novice; other problems are the kind that I face as an expert. I help you understand, I help you visualize, and I help you create solutions on your own. I even get to tell a few funny stories.


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